Our Team

Our team of ophthalmologists combines youth with extensive experience in the field. We are committed to providing the best eye care to our patients. We pride ourselves on being approachable and caring, creating a trusting environment where our patients feel comfortable. Our priority is to ensure that each person receives the appropriate and individualised care for their ophthalmic needs. We work closely with each patient, listening to their concerns and answering all their questions. We are committed to keeping up to date with the latest advances in ophthalmic technology and techniques to ensure the best possible quality of care. We always strive to provide excellent service to our patients.

Our mission

The mission of our eye clinic is to be a dynamic and safe place for our patients. We strive to offer a welcoming and modern environment, where our highly trained specialists provide quality eye care. Our goal is to provide accurate diagnosis and effective treatments for a wide range of ocular conditions, from common eye problems to more complex diseases. In addition, we strive to stay current with the latest technological and scientific advances in the field of ophthalmology in order to provide our patients with the most advanced solutions. We believe in the importance of open communication and individualised treatment, so that every patient feels valued and well cared for at our ophthalmology centre.

Our approach to Ophthalmology

Nuestra visión de la oftalmología se centra en brindar atención integral a nuestros pacientes, utilizando las últimas tecnologías y técnicas de vanguardia. Nos esforzamos por mantenernos actualizados en los avances más recientes en el campo de la oftalmología para poder ofrecer el mejor cuidado ocular posible. Nuestro equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados y especializados está comprometido en proporcionar un diagnóstico preciso y un tratamiento personalizado a cada paciente. Además, nos enfocamos en promover la educación y la conciencia sobre la salud ocular, para que nuestros pacientes puedan tomar decisiones informadas acerca de su bienestar visual. En resumen, nuestra visión es asegurar que cada individuo tenga una visión óptima y una calidad de vida mejorada a través de la oftalmología de excelencia.

Our team

The strength of our team lies in the proficiencies of each ophthalmologist in their field, and the combination of them all to achieve the best results.

Lucía Mata

Medical Director

Ramón Calvo

Medical Director

Jose vicente lopez

Director of Nursing

Saul llopis

Finance Director